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Scale My Ecommerce Store

Nov 10, 2020

It goes without saying that businesses need to be profitable to survive. 

But more and more, they must also embrace public sentiment in order to attract and engage with their audience. 

Customers are much more likely to spend according to their personal values. That much has become blatantly obvious this year!

Which means - social change has real business value.

Today on the show, I’m excited to welcome one of our clients onto the show as my guest. Wendy is the founder of Up On The Rooftop, a business that provides traditional and sustainable gardening solutions for the small-space urban dweller, so whether you have a balcony, rooftop, verandah or just a front step we have the solutions to not only establish a thriving garden but to make it resilient to even the black thumbs of the world! 

I really wanted to share Wendy’s story about developing, launching and growing her business, and I think many of you will resonate with much of what she shares. 

She has a really clear vision and it's not necessarily about selling product, it's about helping to transform the way we live so that our environmental impact is lighter and kinder.

The way she has used that vision to inform her social media content, and her marketing in general, has made it REALLY successful. She’s been able to attract and build a large audience with high levels of engagement. 

And off the back of that, she’s been able to build an incredible business. 

So without further ado, let me welcome Wendy to the show, and let’s hear her story.

Listen as Wendy and I chat about building a business around her big vision.