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Scale My Ecommerce Store

Jan 5, 2021

It’s January now. Phew - we made it! Happy new year and all that…

So it’s that time of year where we really ought to be figuring out what the heck we’re gonna be doing this year! 

For my first episode of the year, I decided to share what I’d do myself if I started my business over again in 2021. 

Because I know for a fact that there has been MASSIVE growth in eCommerce businesses over the last 10 months. People have been flocking to this business model in droves, because it really is the way we have had to shop since the advent of COVID-19. 

And whilst I think it’s incredibly exciting to see so many people starting up online stores, I also see a lot of them fail - and it’s not because they don’t have a great idea for their product and it’s not because of a lack of opportunity. 

On the flip side, there is even more opportunity to succeed in eCommerce now than even a year ago, but you do need to get a few crucial pieces of the puzzle in place.

Tune in as I share a bunch of essential do’s and don'ts that we’ve seen make or break a business.

The advice I share in this episode is based on the hundreds of clients we’ve worked directly with over the last year.

So, what would I do now, if I had my time over?