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Scale My Ecommerce Store

Jul 13, 2021

Setbacks happen in business. It’s impossible to avoid dealing with failure on some level when running your own business.

Sometimes you make a mistake. Sometimes, someone else makes one that impacts you

in your business. And sometimes, things change in the industry or market forces conspire against you.

Now I feel sure we all know that business is never a straight line from the start line to achieving your goal. 

Do you know that cartoon of the two gold miners? One of them hits gold in his tunnel, while the other one is about to break through to a big pile of riches but gives up and futilely heads down the first miner’s tunnel thinking it’s the way to go, but there is no more gold at the end of it.

Realistically - how you deal with business mistakes and failures will be the making of you.

It’s never comfortable dealing with the challenges I know, and I’m not perfect at it either, but here’s what I’ve learnt about successfully overcoming the difficult times and ultimately thriving.

Listen to discover my best strategies for resolving problems and going on to thrive and succeed.