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Scale My Ecommerce Store

Jun 30, 2020

There’s not a lot of information available that explains how to become a retail stockist or reseller of other brands. 

How do you go about approaching brands? 

What do they look for in a retail stockist? 

How do you do a good job of being a stockist?

Often, if you’re new in your eCommerce business, you’ll start...

Jun 22, 2020

Want to learn the fastest way to attract your ideal customer’s attention?

Well, I’m sure you’re all familiar with that old saying, “A picture tells a thousand words”. I mean, we all know that right?

Visual communication is as old as time. Our cavemen ancestors would communicate by drawing pictures on the...

Jun 16, 2020

So. The average Ecommerce website converts at only 2%. That means, 2% of your website visitors will buy from you. 

Yet, we have several clients whose websites regularly convert at between 3-7%!

Part of that comes down to having a well-designed website and a great product. 

BUT there are several things that you can...

Jun 9, 2020

As we approach the end of financial year, you may be considering running a clearance or flash sale (affectionately known as an EOFYS).

There’s the temptation to reduce how much you need to count during your stock-take.

Or to get a few quick sales over the line before having to pay the tax man.

There are many benefits...

Jun 9, 2020

Paid advertising can be absolute gold for driving traffic and sales in your online store. Once you nail the Facebook Ad Campaign that works for your target customer, you can almost have traffic and sales on tap!

You can convert new and repeat customers and transform them into raving fans that spread the good word about...